Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Lonely No More

I thought it was so sweet for Alyson to give me this bracelet for my trip, she really was my perfect girlfriend.  
“It’s a magic bracelet,” she said.  “If you make a wish with it, it’ll come true, and I want you to have the perfect trip!”
It was corny but it was sweet.  She told me she was gonna think about me every day I was gone.  I paused for a moment.  I was going for a semester abroad, she wasn’t going to see me in person for a long time.  I sighed and looked at the bracelet again as my plane began to take off.
“I wish Alyson doesn’t get lonely while I’m gone,” I said using my wish.  “She’s beautiful, and caring and she deserves to be happy.” If anyone deserved this wish it was her.  

Alyson was at her apartment, studying hard like she always does.  She was about an hour and a half into her physics homework when what felt like a wave passed through her body.  Her nipples perked up as goosebumps travelled up her spine.  Her mind shifted to Thomas, her boyfriend that she was now 5 months away from seeing and loving.
She sighed as she stood up from her work and calmly walked to her front door.  It was like she was on autopilot.  She wasn’t thinking, she was just acting.  She walked down the hall to her next-door neighbours flat.
Dave was a disgusting person to Alyson normally.  He was hairy, smelly and almost 20 years older than her.  She had tried to keep her distance during her time at this address but she now found herself at his front door.
She knocked calmly as her body started to warm up.  There were tingles going through her body as her pussy began to dampen.  Dave opened the door smiling, and directing the lovely lady into his flat.  
Alyson didn’t hesitate, her body was on fire.  She ripped off all her clothes and locked lips with the older gentleman.  Dave’s moustache tickled her lips as she kissed him passionately, cheating on her boyfriend for the first time in her life.  She couldn’t stop though, there was something inside her that was making her press her body up against Dave’s beer belly.  The thought of being alone for even a second terrified her.  She was lucky she had Dave to keep her company.
About 20 minutes later and Alyson was finishing Dave off.  She took his dick down her throat like a pornstar.  He couldn’t hold back anymore.  He pulled out and came all over her smiling face.
“Thanks, Dave” Alyson moaned licking her cum covered lips.  “I was just getting so lonely.  With Thomas being gone and all, I don’t know how I’m gonna manage these coming months without my man”.
“There’s always a spot for you in my bed” he chuckled as he lit up a cigarette.
“Really?!” Alyson said excitedly.  She hopped out of bed and ran right out the door, the only thing covering her was the cum on her face.  About 5 minutes later she ran back inside Dave’s flat with what seemed to be a suitcase.  She used her hands and cleared some beer bottles out of the way to put her suitcase down.
“It’s gonna be a fun 5 months” she smiled as she jumped back on the bed, into Dave’s arms.

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